
Stay Connected and Engaged with Our Community

Welcome to the Events page of Gate of Precious Stones Ministries. Stay up-to-date with our latest events, workshops, and gatherings. Our events are designed to inspire, educate, and bring our community closer together. Join us and be a part of our vibrant, faith-based community.

Support Hub

Bereavement Care for the soul support hub is a friendly place to meet and talk to others who have experience loss and grief: Caring for or losing a loved one can be lonely. That’s why we are currently running a support group for those who have been bereaved, from the ages of 21 to 60 years old.

Prayer meetings

We want to see changes in people’s situation, prayer bring changes and healing, both physically, mentally and emotionally.

2 chronicles 7:14 – ”If my people we are called by my name will humble themselves and pray, i will hear from heaven and heal their nation”. We believe healing of the nation begins with healing of the heart”.

Upcoming Events

Don’t Miss Our Upcoming Events

At Gate of Precious Stones Ministries, we have a variety of events lined up to keep you engaged and spiritually nourished. Mark your calendar and join us for these enriching experiences.

Highlighted Events:

Interactive Bible Study on Zoom

Dive deep into the Scriptures with our engaging and insightful online Bible study sessions.

Women Empowerment Workshops

Join us for empowering workshops designed to uplift and inspire women of all ages.

Family Support Meetings

Strengthen your family bonds with our support meetings and events tailored for couples and families.

Health Initiative Workshops

Learn about diabetes awareness, mental health support, and more through our informative health workshops.

Events Calander

Keep track of all our events with our comprehensive event calendar. From weekly Bible study sessions to special workshops and retreats, our calendar ensures you never miss an opportunity to connect with our community.

Past Events

Reflecting on Our Past Events

Our past events have been a source of inspiration and growth for many. Take a look at the highlights from our previous gatherings and see the impact of our ministry in action.

Highlights from Past Events:

Other Events

Women’s empowering meetings

We facilitate meeting for women of all ages in various locations and online to empower and support women in the local community. We work specially with women; At A gate of precious stones, we love working with women to overcome, transform overwhelm uncertainty and fear of not being good enough into a confident, composed and a better version of themselves, enabling them to live a life of purpose at their highest potential, accelerating, impacting and influencing others.

Health Initiative Workshop- Diabetes Awareness Support Group

We want to see people live healthy and experience physical healing. Diabetes support aim to bring diabetes awareness to African community. Diabetes is generational inherited disease; it will destroy the body if a person do not make intentional choice to attend to it. '' The Bible tells us that 'Our body is the temple of God', we have to care for it.

Couple, Family Events and meetings

We organize couple meetings, and family retreat in the community. This is central around care for the family; to support families; for parents and couples who are striving. Aim to promote strong family life and support couples who are facing difficulties, we believe every family should have somewhere to turn for support in challenging life circumstance and testing times.

Interactive Bible Study on Zoom Every two Monday in a month from 8pm to 9pm.

We connect and engage in studying the Bible. Our Bible study meeting encourage people to apply the truth to life situations. We believe the Bible is the word of God. It is therapeutic and it brings transformation to people's mind and soul. It relieves anxieties, worries and depression.

Contact Us About Events

Have Questions About Our Events?

If you have any questions or need more information about our events, please don’t hesitate to reach out. Our team is here to assist you.

Contact Information:

 follow us on social media.

Gate of Precious Stones Ministries” is dedicated to bringing hope to the hopeless and comfort to the brokenhearted. We believe that God has an amazing plan for your life, and we are here to support you through faith-based programs, events, and services
